White Pony Express

White Pony Express


From reframing to expansion

In collaboration with White Pony Express directors + staff and consulting storyteller Mariel Miranda, Bess founder Christy Mack undertook the work of clarifying the organization’s mission and setting the stage for growth.

The team retold the story of this once grassroots group turned 2018 California Nonprofit of the Year and quantified their impact in California’s poorest, most vulnerable East Bay communities under the banner “All of us taking care of all of us.”

Next, Christy, Mariel and the staff gave White Pony Express’s look a refresh, reviving softer shades of color from the nonprofit’s past and adding in illustrations to help convey the work of the organization.

They rolled out White Pony Express’s refreshed story and look online ( web, social + e-communications), in print campaigns and at community events.

The refreshed identity raised awareness of White Pony Express’s mission and helped secure $2M in funding to launch additional programs and services. Food pantries were opened at public schools, free clothing, books and toys distributed at pop up care villages, and the 2020 Census was hand-delivered to the unhoused at shelters and community dining halls, helping uplift the lives of our neighbors in need.

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