Brand Journey — Bess Creator, Christy Mack’s, Story: University Time in Iowa (Part 2)


Christy left her Hudson Valley nest for Iowa City, studying chemistry and humanities at the University of Iowa.

Studying chemistry taught Christy how to deconstruct and reconstruct over and over again. It taught her to use equations and consider all the ways things can combine using symbols, letters and numbers and even 2 and 3D animations and models.

Christy recounts the ways in which science helped to shape her branding future when she says, “In a strange way, chemistry taught me how to build visually. Oddly it’s turned out to be especially useful in working with graphic designers and conceiving brand identities. I can see how pieces fit together to make visual representations and executions around a brand.”

Studying the humanities also proved relevant for Christy’s brand future. Her natural curiosity in people and culture grew as she learned more about the histories of communities around the world. 

This experience made me want to gain an even better understanding of people. I wanted to hear their stories in greater detail; like I did growing up when I’d linger for hours after dinner listening to my parents and their friends, or my relatives, tell stories around the kitchen table.

Post university, Christy moved west to California where she would discover her love of branding, especially brands that were creative and centered around people.

Christy Mack