Bess Creator Brand Hints + Tips


Christy created Bess to do what she loves most – conceive + construct brands. Here’s a peek into her process:

  • Be constantly inspired by your surroundings. Take everything in. Never stop noticing. What speaks to you will naturally surface, sometimes even unknowingly, in your brand.

  • Always start with you – your story, your “good,” your company’s or organization’s “good.” No one else in the world has it. The brand becomes uniquely yours right from the start.

  • Speaking of start, dream big. Imagine your brand and how it could manifest in digital, print + built spaces – even if aren’t ready for it all today. When you can see far into the future, it shapes a more meaningful present for your brand + paves the way for those big dreams to come true.

  • Pick a name you love. Oh, and make sure it’s available, easy to spell + pronounce, and doesn’t have any odd, unexpected connation.

  • Fonts. We love an eclectic mix. Don’t always go for the unexpected. Get curious too with capitalization, punctuation and placement. Be willing to break rules. In fact, break them.

  • Color palettes. Look to what you love. Seek inspiration everywhere. Bring it to the palette and see what transpires.

  • Words. Mockup what you want to say and put it in your brand’s design layout. Seeing it will likely change your view. And that’s good. Edit. Go for less. Let the visual design elevate those chosen words that make the cut.

  • Print. We love paper, especially recycled because we love trees too. We go for unexpected paper sizes, shapes, weights, and textures. Uncommon stands out. You’ll get picked up from the pile.

  • No stock anything, really. Photography, illustrations, videos; you get the picture. It will never look like you or your brand because it isn’t. It belongs to someone else.

  • Space. Be fascinated by it – digital, print, public, and brick and mortar. Decide what to fill it with. Equally and perhaps more importantly, decide what not to fill it with. Space is beautiful. Edit it like crazy.

  • Things take time. And that’s okay. Be open to exploration + iterations. Look at things a few different ways. Question. Rethink. Creatively stand out. Brands are art, after all.

Want to keep talking brand? Reach out.

Christy Mack